Our work

Our work goes step-by-step in accordance with the project application. There are three mobilities planned, to each of the participating countries and many other activities. See below as we proceed.

Start Up Events

September - October 2022

All participant organization organized a project start-up-meeting to revise their own project teams according to the activities of the project, talk about the project timetable and responsibilities. The meeting were held at individual schools as well as online, due to long distance between the partner institutions.


We do not care about the size of your shoes or whether one has flat feet or not. We want you to know how well you behave as far as saving our Earth concerns. How many time a day do you have a shower? What do you heat with in your dwelling? What actually cause your water and carbon footprint? And how big or small it is? Let´´ s try to decrease your footprints. Think always twice...

Here are the tools to get to "start numbers" and graphics. We´ ´´ll see what can be done, Even the smallest steps are in the right direction.

www.waterfootprint.org     AND    www.carbonfootprint.com 

Measurement Tools and Surveys

Throughout the project

To identify the needs and goals of our target group and the participating organizations we keep applying several surveys during our project.

Project Logo Competition

November 2022

All partners were working on logo proposal. The logo contest activity steps and criteria were sent via e-mail to the coordinators by Italian team. Each participating organisation formed a "Logo Competition Committee" to identify the best logo of theirs. Each team selected 3 best logos that were later voted for anonymously online. The winning logo became the symbol of the project and presents it throughout the entire time.

Online Environmental Lessons

January 2023

"Save Our Earth" Online Lessons were hold by Dr. Lecturer Ömer Yetemen, Climate and Marine Sciences Department at Istanbul Technical University.  

60 - 90 students from each partnership country participated in them from January 16th to 19th, 2023. They listened to the presentations accompanied by graphics and after each lesson filled in a Kahoot quiz or mentimeter for example, to revise gained knowledge.

The outcome was an e-book on the lessons held, to be used by any other organization while teaching and learning about climate change.


Mental Health Days

Between 27 February and 2 March 2023, a cycle of lectures and workshops "Mental Health Days" took place at the school in Ostrava, focusing on destigmatisation, education and prevention in the field of mental health and disorders.

All could be carried out thanks to co-operation and help of the Ostrava University. Because of the benefits of these lectures and workshops, we would like to continue with them in the future too.


One of the Erasmus+ project´ s outcomes is an E-Book that consists of documents related to the virtual online event SAVE THE EARTH. Feel free to make use of it while teaching about climate change.


Do You Know These?

Posters were created to highlight the benefits of outdoor sports and remind participants of the rules. Before each outdoor activity as Summer&Winter Sports they are applied to provide our the participants of LTT activities to get ready for them.

Scuba diving - Discover the Depths! Plunge into a world where gravity fades, and tranquility reigns. Scuba diving isn't just a sport; it's a gateway to a realm of wonders and unparalleled experiences. In the world of scuba diving, every descent is an opportunity to explore, learn, and connect with the profound beauty of the oceans. Dive in and unlock a universe filled with positivity, adventure, and endless possibilities.

Mobility no. 1 - LIFE BELOW WATER

May - June 2023

The first mobility took 8 students from Czechia and 8 from Italy to Bodrum, Turkey, together with 3 teachers from each school. 

The five full-day and program included sports and environmental activities, as well as visiting museums, local institutions and learning a lot about new culture which is really different to the European one.

As one student summarized it: The hectic end of the school year, completing exams, and finalizing grades—all of this marked a wonderful week in June in the Turkish town of Bodrum for us, thanks to Erasmus+. With some classmates, we experienced the real Turkey. Real Turkey in terms of unorganized transportation, persistent street vendors, affordable and delicious food and drinks, beautiful beaches, ports, and crystal-clear water, lively evenings in bustling streets with a pleasant warm breeze. All of this was shown to us by local students who not only accommodated us but also cooked for us and dedicated all their free time to ensure we had as many experiences as possible. Additionally, they accompanied us on a school-prepared program, whether it was lectures, museum visits, or even diving. I dare say that diving was the most intense experience for the majority of Czech, Italian, and Turkish students. 

Local press writes about us

Below you can find a link to local press in Bodrum that wrote about our multicultural Erasmus+ meeting:


All partners are active on social sites as well as locally, while promoting our project financed by means of European Commission.

Hadbook of Conchology

After our visit to the maritime museum in Bodrum, as part of our Erasmus+ project, a tiny hadbook of conchology, including interesting information came into existence. There are printed versions, but if you want to take a deeper insight into this sub-branch of zoological science that studies mollusks and their shells, feel free to read through it online.


Do You Know These?

Posters were created again to highlight the benefits of outdoor sports and remind participants of the rules. Before each outdoor activity as Summer&Winter Sports they are applied to provide our the participants of LTT activities to get ready for them. 

Orienteering - Unleashing the Explorer Within! In the intricate dance between mind and nature, orienteering emerges as a captivating sport that not only navigates the wilderness but also navigates the depths of one's resilience, focus, and ingenuity. Through the rhythm of map and compass, participants forge a connection with the great outdoors, transforming landscapes into personal triumphs. Orienteering is not merely a sport; it's a journey of self-discovery, fostering a sense of adventure, camaraderie, and an unwavering belief in one's ability to conquer both the course and the challenges of life.


Second mobility was to the "heel of the shoe", in Massafra, Italy. Pupils tried various sports, such as individual ones as orienteering or archery, but also team sports, for example volleyball.  

Let´s Meet Nature

A Journey of Physical and Mental Wellness

Hiking is more than just putting one foot in front of the other on a trail; it's a holistic activity that brings numerous benefits to our physical and mental well-being. Whether you're a seasoned trekker or a novice hiker, hitting the trails offers a myriad of advantages that extend beyond the breathtaking views and fresh air.

First and foremost, hiking is an excellent way to stay physically active, providing a full-body workout. Beyond the physical aspect, hiking offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature. Being outdoors has been linked to reduced stress levels, improved mood, and enhanced overall mental well-being. The serene environment of forests, mountains, or meadows provides a welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. 

Hiking also teaches valuable life skills and lessons. The journey of traversing a trail, overcoming obstacles, and reaching the summit instills a sense of perseverance and determination. Hikers learn to adapt to changing conditions, problem-solve on the fly, and build resilience in the face of challenges. These skills gained on the trail are transferable to various aspects of life, fostering personal growth and a positive mindset.

Furthermore, hiking encourages social interaction and camaraderie. Whether hiking solo or in a group, the shared experience of navigating the trails creates bonds and connections. Conversations flow easily in the open air, allowing for meaningful connections and shared memories. The collective sense of achievement upon reaching a summit or completing a challenging trail enhances the overall experience and fosters a sense of community.

So, lace up those hiking boots, join us, hit the trails, and embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and well-being.

Hiking trips were organised by all partner schools at various occasions throughout the school year, not only as dicovery journeys but also as disseamination activities in which also parents, friends and peers from other schools participated.

Do You Know These?

Last posters were was prepared to highlight the benefits of winter sports. No matter participants from Italy and Turkey are not used to snow and winter sports. It is all awaiting them in Czechia during our last mobility.

Embrace the Unfamiliar: Ignite Your Journey by Trying Something New! In the tapestry of life, every exploration adds a vibrant thread, weaving a story rich with discovery, growth, and limitless possibilities. Challenge comfort zones, spark curiosity, and savor the exhilaration of the unknown. Remember, it's in the pursuit of new horizons that we truly find ourselves.


Winter Sports Unite Seemingly Unrelated Entities within the Erasmus+ Project

The partnership between Italian, Turkish, and Czech schools under the Erasmus+ project has revitalized the educational space through mobility and winter sports. This innovative project not only fosters cultural exchange but also emphasizes teamwork, physical activity, and interpersonal relationships.

Ostrava, with its rich history and welcoming environment, has become an ideal meeting place for partners from Italy, Turkey, and the Czech Republic. Students and teachers (who met for the third and last time within this project) had the opportunity to explore the city and its surroundings, strengthening mutual understanding and respect.

Winter sports became a focal point of the project, connecting not only three different cultures but also highlighting the importance of sports in education. Students had the chance to try skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating under the guidance of experienced instructors. In this way, they not only improved their athletic skills but also enhanced their teamwork and communication abilities. Language diversity was a crucial element, as students communicated not only in their native language but also learned the basics of their partners' languages.

The project demonstrated that the exchange of ideas and experiences between different cultures can enrich the educational process and prepare young people for a globalized world. It also brought unforgettable experiences, friendships, and mutual understanding among young people. This collaboration clearly shows that education can be inspiring and enjoyable, especially when we join forces across boarder.

Celebrating Athleticism and Artistry 

As the world eagerly anticipates the upcoming Summer Olympics in Paris, a celebration of athleticism and artistry was underway with a thrilling drawing competition. The event invited artists of all ages from not only Ostrava schools, but also schools abroad connected thanks to Erasmus+ projects now as well as in the past, to capture the essence of sports through their creative interpretations. From depicting favourite sports and legendary athletes to envisioning the excitement of new additions to the Olympics, participants were encouraged to explore the dynamic intersection of sports and art.

Whether it's the grace of a gymnast, the power of a sprinter, or the precision of an archer, artists had the opportunity to showcase the essence of their chosen sport through vibrant colours and expressive strokes.

In addition to celebrating the spirit of athleticism, the drawing competition also served as a form of art therapy, offering participants a creative outlet to alleviate anxiety and stress. Through the act of drawing, individuals find solace and healing, channelling their emotions into artistic expression.

As Paris comes alive with preparations for the Olympics, the drawing competition serves as a vibrant celebration of sports and art, bringing together communities from around the world in a shared appreciation for the beauty and power of human endeavour. 

Below Under Water

Seminar Of Below Under Water was organized on 27th of March 2024 by Bodrum İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü. 30 students from each partner organisation attended the online seminar. Totally 90 students and 3 teachers attended the seminar.

Seminar consisted of three parts;

  • Watching the video on Sustainable Development Goals

  • Presentation of our guest speaker Yener ÇELTİKÇİ

  • Playing kahoot

The content of the seminar was prepared according to application form:

Firstly, the Sustainable Development Goals ((1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (10) Reduced Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities andCommunities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals) were explained shortly in detail by watching video.

The guest speaker was changed because Tufan TURANLI made his presentation face to face when the first LTT meeting was organized in Bodrum. Therefore, Yener ÇELTİKÇİ who is a diving instructer, SSI, School Scuba International Instructor Trainer , Happy Bubbles Dive Center Founder made the presentation about Coral Reefs, Understanding the Role of Sharks in the Ecosystem, Environmental Damage of Plastic Waste, Marine Protected Areas.(Blue Oceans Program)

After presentations, the kahoot game of of which questions were prepared according to both Sustainable Development Goals and Blue Oceans Program was played.

The online meeting was recorded.

Below find a link to an e-book presentation made by Yener ÇELTİKÇİ during the seminar: https://heyzine.com/flip-book/49928cff24.html 

E-Book based on the Seminar "Below Water"

Go to the link to an e-book presentation made by Yener ÇELTİKÇİ during the seminar: 


Feel free to make use of the material in your lessons or while teaching about envoronmental problems.

April's 'Bike to Work/Schools' Initiative Promotes Healthier Commutes 

As April unfolds, cities around the globe are gearing up for a significant annual event: "Bike to Work" month. This initiative, aimed at promoting sustainable transportation and healthier lifestyles, encourages commuters to swap their cars for bicycles during their daily commute.

With the rising concerns over environmental sustainability and individual health, initiatives like "Bike to Work" have gained traction in recent years. April, with its milder weather in many regions, serves as an ideal time to kick-start this movement.

The benefits of biking to work/school are manifold. Not only does it reduce carbon emissions and alleviate traffic congestion, but it also contributes to improved physical fitness and mental well-being. Cycling offers a refreshing alternative to sedentary commuting, allowing individuals to incorporate exercise into their daily routines seamlessly.

Participating in "Bike to Work" month doesn't require extensive preparation or investment. Even those who haven't ridden a bike in years can dust off their old bicycles or utilize bike-sharing programs available in many urban centers. Additionally, employers often provide incentives such as flexible work hours, bike storage facilities, or even financial rewards to encourage participation.

Beyond its immediate benefits, "Bike to Work" month fosters a sense of community among participants. Cyclists often form groups or join organized rides, creating a supportive network that further motivates individuals to stick to their commitment as our students did.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of initiatives like "Bike to Work" has become even more apparent. With remote work and studies becoming increasingly prevalent, biking presents a viable solution for those still required to commute, offering a safe and socially distanced mode of transportation.

As April unfolds, let's embrace the spirit of "Bike to Work/School" month and pedal our way towards a greener, healthier future. Whether it's a daily routine or a once-a-week endeavor, every effort counts towards building more sustainable and vibrant communities. So, dust off those helmets, inflate those tires, and join the movement—one pedal at a time as we in our partner schools did.

Uniting Through Sports 

As the world eagerly anticipates the upcoming Olympic Games, schools around the globe are not just witnessing the excitement from the sidelines but actively participating in fostering the spirit of athleticism and camaraderie among students. While some students showcase their athletic prowess on the field, others find their role in cheering and supporting, creating a vibrant tapestry of participation and encouragement.

In the lead-up to the Olympics, schools have been abuzz with various sports activities aimed at engaging students of all interests and abilities. From traditional track and field events to lesser-known sports, such as archery and ringo, schools have been offering a diverse range of activities to cater to every student's preferences. These sports not only promote physical fitness but also instill values like teamwork, discipline, and perseverance among students.

However, the essence of the Olympic spirit lies not just in competing but also in coming together as a community to support one another. Recognizing this, schools have placed equal emphasis on encouraging students who may not be directly involved in sports to participate in the festivities. Whether it's through creating banners, organizing pep rallies, or simply cheering from the stands, every student has found a way to be part of the excitement.

For students who may face barriers to participating in sports due to physical limitations or other reasons, schools have implemented inclusive initiatives to ensure that everyone feels included. Adaptive sports programs, modified activities, and supportive environments have enabled these students to join in the fun and experience the thrill of being part of a team.

In the months of May and July 2024, all partners schools organized huge sport events for everyone to participate in. No one left behind...

Surveys ane evaluation form

Surveys and evaluation forms are an inseparable part of the project from its beginning till the end. 

Among others, Due Diligence Surveys and The Readiness Assessment Survey were prepared to measure our target group readiness for our project. The questions in the survey identified participants´  awarness of environmental isuues and benefits of outdoor activities. They were applied as pretest and posttest.

Also a Peer Review Form was prepared so that our target group can assess each other and get some feedback after each project activity. The feedback collected through peer evaluation can be valuable for personal development, performance reviews, and enhancing group dynamics.  The pupils themselves can realize their strenghts and weaknesses to improve themselves.

Modern tools such as Google Forms helped to reach everyone easily, no matter what distance separetes us.

Get it started!

While we are slowly approaching the end of our small-scale project, others may be curious what to do, where to start or one just wants to hear about our "journey". Stay "tuned" and join the seminar.

The Erasmus+ program has provided us with an incredible opportunity to enhance our educational practices, foster cross-cultural understanding, and build a network of collaboration across Europe. This day, we reflected on our journey, shared our experiences, and evaluated the impact of our efforts.

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